Saturday, September 15, 2007

Who Doesn't Love Bacon-Wrapped Beef[cake]?

So it's a Saturday night and I'm dinking around on the computer tweaking some [hold on while I take off my watch as it's digging into my flesh] xsl code and I take a break to browse some of my new regular sites. Lo and behold I am led to this fabuloso item. [Sidebar: I'm posting a link to the image because I don't want to steal images even tho I would not try to pass it off as my own but the site sucks ass so hard I can't direct-link to the item for purchase - seriously, you should check out the site, it's a really stupid user experience.]

I can't help but picture this item on 300 spartans - 300 bacon-wrapped beefcakes. Like 300 filet mignons to share with your 298 closest friends (I reserved 2 for myself - it's my blog, my fantasies).

1 comment:

sadboy001 said...

Hm... so someone out there on the web still hasn't discovered that it's far easier to maintain a website containing HTML text rather than a single image. To each their own, of course.

Only 2 beefy Spartan guys? (I was going to insert a joke about warriors from another ancient city, but this late hour is enhancing my usual lack of creativity)