Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I'm an Animal Graveyard

Check out this article about extreme veganism (is that paired vegetable-eating?). These people are hilarious.

"I would not want to be intimate with someone whose body is literally made up from the bodies of others who have died for their sustenance," she said.

So those vegetables didn't die for their sustenance?
"When you are vegan or vegetarian, you are very aware that when people eat a meaty diet, they are kind of a graveyard for animals," she said.

A graveyard for animals. Bring on the meat, baby!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Inappropriate Text Messaging

So... hypothetically speaking... let's say you happen into a restroom in public or even at work. Let's also say that something "interesting" is going on in the stall next to you. Could be two people going at it or even as whacky as someone eating fast food.

Would you use your phone and text message a friend/coworker to come in and check it out?

I would. Hell, I might even fire up the camera and record it. The internet loves that shit.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Guess What This Is

A new camera joined our family so I'm trying to get my funk on and see art in every day things. See if you can guess what this is a picture of...

HINT: The moon gives it away.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Flash of Non Brilliance

Divorce = Going Halfies

Monday, July 23, 2007


He remembered me, that's all I gotta say. :-)

Awkward Moment #1

You tell someone you created a blog and you don't have much content on it and you might not even be done designing it yet but they go look at it anyway and read your lame post while you're standing there.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Complaint #1

So I was reading in this magazine today that complainers stay mad longer. I always thought venting was better for letting things go which seemed like a reasonable excuse for complaining my ass off. I guess I should stop, or at least dial it back a few percent. We'll see how that goes seeing as how I swore I'd say the eff word at work less but it seems after two months I'm right back where I was before effing it up all over the place.

I blame my roomie. I only have a couple more months to do that. :-(