Saturday, July 28, 2007

Inappropriate Text Messaging

So... hypothetically speaking... let's say you happen into a restroom in public or even at work. Let's also say that something "interesting" is going on in the stall next to you. Could be two people going at it or even as whacky as someone eating fast food.

Would you use your phone and text message a friend/coworker to come in and check it out?

I would. Hell, I might even fire up the camera and record it. The internet loves that shit.


Anonymous said...

That reminds me of a story someone told me at the office...

Oh wait... you told me.


One of these days, I'll think of something clever to write.

Anonymous said...

I don't know... I would be that guy that dropped the phone in the toilet if I tried to txt.

And to answer the question that raises. no. I wouldn't go after my phone.